Classic signs and symptoms of teething include:
- Drooling
- Chewing on solid objects
- Irritability or crankiness
- Sore or tender gums
Natural Teething Remedies to Help Your Teething Baby
Teething Biscuits - Many parents love using teething biscuits to calm their
teething babies. Be sure to choose a teething biscuit that is healthy for your
little one. When used in moderation, teething biscuits shouldn't adversely
affect your little one's oral health.
Frozen Teething Rings - Cold items such as teething rings can alleviate the pain
that a teething baby experiences.
Frozen Carrots & Bananas - Frozen bananas are a sweet treat that can ease your baby's sore gums. If your baby chews on a frozen carrot, only small bits of carrot come off at a time. Some parents don't want to give their children frozen objects because they don't want to inadvertently freeze their baby's gums by giving them something so cold. If you want to play it safe, just go with a cold carrot. Important - Any time you give your baby something to eat, you must stay with them at all times to help prevent choking.
A cold, damp washcloth - Some parents have found that their baby enjoys chewing on a
frozen damp washcloth or a cold, wet washcloth.
A small, cold metal spoon - You can either keep some spoons in the refrigerator, or put a small metal spoon in a glass of ice water. Your teething baby can then hold the spoon and bite down on it to help soothe their irritate gums.
Dried Fruit - Many parents advocate the use of dried apples to help ease
teething troubles. Any dried fruit that allows the child to chew can help
alleviate teething problems. Keep in mind that you should use dried fruit in
moderation, as it can cause tooth decay.
Ice chips in a clean baby sock - Some parents have found that by putting small ice chips in
a baby sock, and then tying off the sock, they can give their baby something
cold without the risk of their baby's gums getting too cold.
Gently rub your baby's gums with
your finger - Holding your baby and massaging
their gums with your finger can also provide comfort to your teething baby
during this hard time.
If these natural remedies aren't doing the trick, maybe try an over the counter remedy such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) might help. Avoid teething medications that contain the pain reliever benzocaine. Benzocaine products have been associated with methemoglobinemia — a rare but serious condition that reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood.
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