Sunday, July 22, 2012

Fun Dental Facts!!

Kids laugh around 400 times a day, grown ups just 15 times!

Not long ago, dentures were common wedding gifts in the British Isles because many people expected to eventually lose all of their teeth and expedited the process by having them extracted at an early age.

According to "Consumer's Report", dentists are among the most trusted professionals in the U.S.

The mammal that has the most teeth is the long snouted spinner dolphin with 252 teeth.

An elephant's molars measure one foot across and weigh between eight and ten pounds each.

A shark's teeth are literally as hard as steel.

The ancient Greeks devised pliers for extracting teeth.

A tooth that has been knocked out starts to die within 15 minutes, but if you put it in milk or hold it in your mouth it will survive longer.  See your dentist ASAP!

20% of patients wear braces between the ages of 20 and 60.

Rabbit teeth never stop growing.  They keep them worn down by gnawing on bark and other hard foods.

A third of the population squeeze their toothpaste tube from the middle.

Women smile about 62 times a day compared to men who smile eight times a day on average.

73% of persons would rather go grocery shopping than floss.

Most tooth loss in people over age 35 is from Periodontal Disease.

Teeth are the hardest substance in the human body.

Over 3 million miles of dental floss is purchased in North America each year.

In 1570, Queen Elizabeth received a gift of 6 gold toothpicks to clean her teeth.

Diet sodas are just as damaging as regular sodas at weakening tooth enamel.


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